For many years, a baby shower was a female only event that a man wouldn't dream of attending. However, in recent years that has changed and baby showers no longer have to be a girls only event. Coed baby showers, also called Jack and Jill baby showers, are an excellent way to get the expectant father involved. That said, it is important to alter a coed baby shower so that the expectant father and the men invited do not feel out of place or uncomfortable. I thought you may find the the following tips helpful to start planning your own coed baby shower.
When you are planning a baby shower that is coed you want to make sure that the shower invitation reflects that. Envelopes should be addressed to the couple and not just the female, if necessary. Plus, the wording of the shower invitation should express that it is a coed shower.
Naturally, you can stick with the baby shower theme you have already chosen when you are planning a coed baby shower. If you wish, you can also alter the theme to make it a little more man friendly. For instance, you could have a barbecue rather than the standard finger foods served at showers. The guys can mingle around outside or even help prepare the grilled food. Obviously, you can still decorate, but the outdoor setting is more man friendly.
When you choose baby shower favors for a coed baby shower you want to make sure they are gender neutral. After all, not many men want to take home a little potpourri satchel for their dresser drawer (or do they?..lol). Food favors are excellent for a coed baby shower because you can still make the packaging fit the theme, but inside food is food. Consider candy, chocolate, trail mix, or bubble gum cigars.
Gift Giving
You can still stick to standard gifts when it comes to a coed baby shower. It's important to include both the mother and father to be in the gift opening process. In addition to this, you can suggest on the invite that your guests consider bringing "dad related" wishing well items. Some ideas would include safety items so the father to be can baby proof the home.
Okay, let's face it not many men want to play baby shower games. In contrast, however, many women look forward to them. When it comes to a coed baby shower you can still do games, you just want to alter them a little so they are more man friendly. For instance, instead of taste testing baby food for a guess gaming, you can do a bottle drinking race. Give each guest a baby bottle filled with the beverage of their choice and whoever finishes their bottle first is the winner. You could also consider a guys against girls friendly game to get them more interested.
I hope you found these tips useful if you are considering a coed baby shower. There are many websites that have additional information you can research for more ideas. Check out the articles
The Coed Baby Shower and
Coed Baby Shower Games for more information. Have fun!