For over 80 years, Winnie the Pooh has been a beloved children's story. Using the classic Pooh plush toy as it's centerpiece, Lil' Baby Cakes has created an adorable themed diaper cake featuring Winnie the Pooh.
Lil' Baby Cakes is now offering personalized diaper cakes. Our first offering includes three designs that allow you to choose your own personalized message. This message will be imprinted onto the ribbon for a one of kind baby gift experience.
A diaper cake for boys is a unique way to give an expecting mom a practical baby gift. Here's some information to learn why this popular baby gift can be used to celebrate the birth of a new baby boy.
Our Owl Diaper Cake uses a colorful dotted plush owl toy on top of a two tier diaper cake made from 40 Pampers Swaddler diapers. Modern fresh colors makes this a great baby gift or baby shower gift idea.
Should you buy or make your own diaper cake? There are several issues to consider as both approaches have their merits. In either case, the diaper cake represents a unique baby gift that can be personalized to meet many different themes.
Lil Baby Cakes offers three monkey diaper cake themes to match one of today's most popular baby themes. Three different monkey themed diaper cakes are offered. Any of these would make a unique baby gift or baby shower gift for the new or expectant mom.
What's a diaper shower? Instead of buying the traditional gifts like clothes, high chair, etc.. associated with a traditional baby shower, the guests focus on bringing diapers. A diaper cake is a clever way to present the mom with a supply of diapers.